2019 LCARA Picnic in the Park – August 13, 2019 at 6:00pm
August 13, 2019 is the club’s annual Picnic in the Park, held at Cramton Park in Lapeer. The pavilion is on the south side of the park (south of the river), accessible from a dirt drive across from Byers Towing. Set your GPS to 130 South Monroe Street, Lapeer, MI 48446 and turn east.
– Begins: 6:00 pm on Aug. 13, 2019 – Bring a dish to pass – Bring your own preferred beverage – There is electricity / commercial power on site – Bring any radio tech you’re working on and would like to share; fox-hunting, portable HF, mesh networks with real-time video, and cross-band car repeaters, D-STAR, DMR, Antenna Analyzers… anything!