The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. There were 16 members and guests in attendance. As previously reported our past president and long time member of LCARA, Bob …
Hello fellow LCARA club members. As I reported at the June club meeting the ARES team supported the Big Fish Triathlon event on May 26th. The event was very well …
Long time member and friend of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association has become a silent key. Bob Erskine – W8RAE (formerly WB8EQG) has been an active member and past …
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Gerret KD8YUK. There were 13 members in attendance. Gerret was the evening’s presenter with on overview of LCARA 2019 Field …
The W8LAP D-STAR repeater automatic link schedule has been updated. The new schedule is aimed at accommodating weekday commuters in southeast Michigan while maintaining a link to other repeaters throughout …