Meeting Minutes – April 13, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by our President Scott N8XP. There were 13 members and guests in attendance.
The first meeting item was a presentation by Scott N8XP showing his new Icom IC-705 portable QRP transceiver, WEMO antenna mount, Comet antenna and accessories.
Hospital Report: Ed Oyster’s (W8NCJ) wife passed away. Our sympathies to Ed and his family. Mike KN8Z hobbled into the meeting with a bad back.
General Announcements: Michigan QSO party will be held Saturday April 17 from noon till midnight. Let’s try to get some Lapeer County Amateur Radio stations on the air.
Presidents’ Report: LCARA has 23 paid members. Our work to become a 501C3 non-profit is completed and approved. The LCARA’s primary goal is to educate and teach the arts of radio communications and electronics associated with it and to promote Amateur Radio in Lapeer County.
Gerret KD8YUK had to resign as LCARA vice president due to family matters.
Secretary’s Repost: The meeting minutes from our last in person meeting November 11, 2020 were read. The minutes were approved as read by the membership present. All meeting minutes get posted to our website.
Treasure’s Report: Paul AB8XL presented the treasure’s report for the last four months of activity. A question was asked by Tom KC8KCQ “which way was our balance trending”? Paul stated our balance is trending lower however all the bills are paid. A motion to approve the treasure’s report was made by Mike KN8Z and seconded by Erik K8EPL. The treasure’s report was unanimously approved by the membership present. All treasure’s reports are posted on our website.
Repeater Trustee Report: Mike W8YRC says there have been reports of poor 2 meter repeater reception. Stations are louder and more easily heard on the repeater input. The repeater team is formulating a plan to inspect the feed line and the antenna at the top of the tower.
EC Report: Kevin KB8TAR reports the ARES team will meet in person at the EOC Wednesday April 21 at 7 pm.
Old Business: 501C3 applications and status have been approved.
New Business: We need to fill the Vice President vacancy. Two candidates accepted nominations for the office, Kevin KB8TAR and Eric K8EPL. A vote by secret ballot of the membership present was held. As a result Kevin KB8TAR was elected for the position of Vice President.
The Robo-Con Lapeer county event has been cancelled for 2021.
Scott asked the membership if our traditional meeting time and date (second Tuesday at 7:30 pm) is optimal for our membership? Comments?
There is consideration to do another mass mailing to the Amateur Radio operators in Lapeer County to generate membership and support.
Meeting adjourned 8:42pm