Meeting Minutes – October 11, 2022
Start 7:31pm with 11 members and guests in attendance
Trailer build
YouTube video by George KJ6VU: 28min
Presentations takeaways –
Appropriate size of trailer, project scope, possible trailer committee, make it possible to be pulled by most vehicles, viewing access for the public or presentations for outreach, trailer preferred to be sourced in Michigan, weight bearing roof or rack system, solar power options
8:10-8:15 coffee break with further discussions
Wellness Report:
Ed Oyster-W8NCJ was seen and seems well, was a founding member 1953 (2023 the club will be 70yrs old)
General announcement:
Muskegon, Kalamazoo holding swaps
President, N8XP – Scott spoke about remolding Ham shack
Vice President, KB8TAR – none
Secretary, KE8RDB – Myles read the September minutes
Motioned to accept by Rob N8PSP – second by Kevin KB8TAR
Treasurer, AB8XL – Presented the treasury report with a final balance of $5427.46
Motioned to accept by Garret KD8YUK, second by Larry N8LJN
Repeater Trustee, W8YRC – Scott N8XP explained fall clean up rescheduled from Saturday to Sunday
Kevin KB8TAR and Scott N8XP cleared trees, ran firmware update on repeater controller, implemented a squelch tail for diagnostics, shack has been winterized
Emergency Coordinator, KB8TAR – Kevin reviewed work done at Lapeer County Central Dispatch building
Some work to still be done included cleaning up and connecting wires, get radios working again
Training – Garret KD8YUK
Looking into harnessing online classes – mentioned David Casler KE0OG, Josh KI6NAZ as possible sources
Grant Project manager – Larry N8LJN
ARDC grant was submitted Oct 1st – $42,000
ARRL grant due Nov 1st
Membership list updates in October as nonpaid members will be wiped off list
Saturday OCT 29 @ 6pm proposed time for board meeting at Tilted Axis
Lapeer W8LAP repeater shack contract renewal with Lapeer Community Schools – no new information
Shared pictures from Great Lakes Emergency Preparedness Expo
-made an impact on 2 possible new Ham, spoke to roughly 30 people at event
-UofM Life Flight helicopter destroys Scott’s freshly washed Jeep
-The expo is suspected to be held at Imlay city Fairgrounds yearly
-Mike W8YRC suggested to post LCARA in paper for upcoming events
-A side discussion developed on Ham testing history and the philosophy behind classifications
LCARA Picnic and POTA event – lasted 4hrs, enjoyed BBQ and spoke with park rangers.
New board members – Myles KE8RDB new club secretary for 2022-2023
Lee N8LJ served around 10yrs as secretary and thanked for his service
Garret KD8YUK still has old club data storage devices
Discussions on the Christmas party –
-Open suggestions for food locations – Lake Inn, Side Tracks, Pine House
-Spouses encouraged to come
-Food costs covered by individuals
-Tuesday Dec 13, 2022 @ 6pm
WM8A, Tim Crane will have an AUXCOMM presentation in November
Lee N8LJ will have one on antennas in January 2023
Remainder of 2023 open for proposed topics
Meeting adjourned @ 9:20pm
Submitted by Myles, KE8RDB