President’s Notes – October 2020
Greetings LCARA members and supporters,
I’m very thankful for the opportunity to introduce myself as your new LCARA club president for 2020-2021. My name is Scott Nicholes – N8XP. I’m excited for the chance to promote and help grow our organization. Together with your other elected board members – Gerret KD8YUK, Lee N8LJ, Paul AB8XL, and Mike W8YRC – we’re planning and forecasting great things for the following year. New community outreach, education events, interactive virtual & in-person meetings and other new club activities – are a few of the things LCARA members can look forward to in 2021!
I was practically born with amateur radio and the love of technology in my blood. In 1979 – I was two years old when my father, Mike Nicholes, was licensed as KA8FIE. He would later change is call to W8YRC. My grandfather, Lowell “Red” Bashore, was licensed shortly before that as WD8OZQ – and would later earn his Advanced Class license and live the remainder of his life as KB8PX /sk. My grandfather sparked much of my interest in computers, HF voice and digital communications, and the love of building a great ham shack. Growing up in Lapeer, my dad provided the atmosphere to experiment and learn new technologies using Amateur Radio in our home. With my dad and younger brother, Jason N8VRL, we would transform our home into something that would confuse many visitors – but would truly impress any fellow ham that stopped by.
At a young age before I had my own license, I began attending LCARA meetings with my father and grandfather. I was proud of my dad – who had also been the LCARA club president for a nine year term. I was eager to learn the art of radio and was enjoying the fellowship among a great group of folks that had the same interest in technology and communication. Many hams through the years have mentored and became Elmer’s to me in the many aspects of this great hobby. I earned my Technician Class license, N8VDU, when I was 14 years old. Many years later – in 2017 – I upgraded to Extra Class and changed my callsign to N8XP.
This week – I’ll be celebrating my 21st wedding anniversary with my wife, Sarah, and our five amazing children – Ethan (23), Grace (20), Matt (19), Ryan (18), and Brayden (11). After being friends for over 26 years – I think my amazing wife is starting to understand how much I enjoy Amateur Radio as a hobby and public service. She’s even stopped asking why I’m on the roof – and if I am really putting up another antenna.
Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association has a long history in Lapeer and surrounding communities – since 1953. Sometime this coming year – after months of anticipation – we are looking forward to LCARA being recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. We will then be able to further our mission of Amateur Radio education and outreach in our community. This is a great step towards growing the club in the right direction.
In closing – please remember to utilize our repeaters and participate in the many nets now available through the week. Always encourage and motivate each other to learn new skills – there are many to learn and use! If you’re not able to participate with our monthly meetings in person – an option for joining us online will be available very soon.
73 to all,
Scott Nicholes, N8XP
Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association, President